Sors de ma tête

Sors de ma tête podcast is hosted by two doctoral students in mental health. They welcome guests and address various themes related to mental health, with the aim of popularizing research findings, normalizing certain psychological reactions, destigmatizing and building collective resilience by sharing tips.

Maîtrise ton Doc

Maîtrise ton Doc podcast is produced by and for students. It is hosted by Justin Lessard-Wajcer, Vivienne Tam and Saba Saremi, and features guests who share their knowledge, experience and insight into mental health. Its mission: to reduce the stigma associated with mental health and the negative attitudes that can be linked to it.

Associations libres

Associations libres is a student podcast from the Université de Montréal featuring interviews with guests  with different perspectives and expertise in mental health. The concept of “association libre” invites us to talk about it openly and freely.

Nous aussI

Nous Aussi is a committee set up by students in the UdeM sociology department to raise awareness of psychological health and student well-being. Through their podcast, this committee aims to de-stigmatise psychological health issues and help students break out of their isolation by forging links with the community.

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