Qu’aurais-tu fait à ma place? is an interactive mini-series designed to encourage students to reflect on how to deal with symptoms related to mental health problems, and how to seek help.
There are two stories: that of Laura, a medical student, and that of Lucas, a computer science student, both of whom are exposed to the complexities of student life. These young people face a variety of situations that can lead to problems such as stress, anxiety, depression and suicidal risk. The series is presented in the form of a role-playing game, where throughout the viewing, you can make choices that will guide the actions of the characters and the unfolding of the scenario.
The I-Share research team evaluated this initiative using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Here are the main findings.
- Most students found the la video captivating et appreciated the innovative format.
- More than half the students identified with the characters.
- Mental health knowledge seems to increase as a result of watching the series.
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