Services and helplines
Services and helplines Organization: Interligne Interligne is a 24-hour help and information service for people affected by sexual and gender diversity. You can access a listening
Sexual and gender diversity
Articles and guides
Articles and guides Toolkit: Transition to post-secondary education for students with ADHD This toolkit will help you make the transition to higher education if you live with ADHD.
Disability and neurodiversity
Webinar: Transition du cégep à l’université pour les éètes (french only) In this webinar, you’ll discover the strategy of an athlete who knows a thing or two about t
In this episode of the podcast, you’ll hear from Chloé Lanteigne, 25, a Bachelor of Social Work student at Université de Montréal. She discusses her experiences as a basketball stu
Services and helplines
Services and helplines Integration support services offered by community organisations This website serves as a search engine to find community organisations that can support you i
Articles and guides
Articles and guides Article series: Réussir la conciliation sports-étude (french only) This series of articles tackles various themes related to balancing sports and studies, such
Articles and guides
Articles and guides Article: La dépression chez les étudiants-athlètes (french only) This article talks about depression, one of the most common challenges facing student-athletes.
Articles and guides
Articles and guides Cheklist: Comment se préparer à l’arrivée au collégial? (french only) This checklist sets out a simple five-step process to help students with disabilities prep
Disability and neurodiversity
Articles and guides
Articles and guides Article: Obstacles à la rédaction aux cycles supérieurs (french only) This text looks at a number of obstacles related to writing for graduate studies, includin
Graduate studies and research
Self-reflection and quiz
Self-reflection and quiz Online course: Managing Stress and Loneliness Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health (CICMH) The Managing Stress and Loneliness course, designed spe