Chrono and Jardin are web applications designed to motivate you when you’re working remotely. They are free of charge, and are the result of participatory action research involving an inter-university team and student researchers. These complementary applications feature a timer, inspired by the Pomodoro technique, alternating minutes of work and breaks.
Chrono offers an online coworking space with a map showing connected users all over the world. It lets you geolocate people who are simultaneously writing and chat with them. To help you structure your time and take breaks, features include the fixation of SMART goals, a random generator of fun goals, chat during breaks and a notepad for jotting down distracting thoughts.
Jardin is a web application that allows you to view and track hours dedicated to writing, both collectively and individually. Every time you participate in a Thèsez-vous activity, your writing sessions, called tomatoes, are counted directly in Jardin. You can also add your own handmade tomatoes to the garden. You can track your progress by opening the statistics tab, which shows both individual and collective production of tomato plants and tomato crates over the months. These statistics are very helpful in encouraging reflection on one’s own writing habits, and in bringing out findings that will help you to continue your good habits, or modify them if necessary to encourage perseverance in writing.
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