Organizing services involves the process of receiving and analyzing requests for help, the guidelines governing the duration of an intervention, and diversifying the services offered. The way these elements are implemented and articulated ensures that we can offer the service or type of professional that the person’s needs really require.

Although it is recognized that many factors still limit the demand for help, higher education institutions are acknowledging a steady increase in requests for support from the student population. This may be due to an increase in the psychosocial problems experienced by students, but also to efforts to raise awareness of mental health and help-seeking. This increased demand is leading many colleges, CEGEPs, and universities to rethink and diversify their service offerings.

Which actions can be taken to foster the development of self-management and coping skills among students?

  • Ensure that workshops aimed at developing socio-emotional skills are accessible to the student population, including off-campus students.
  • Prioritize a variety of media to encourage participation (online, in-person, group, individualized).
  • Use peer support to help develop coping and self-management skills.

Several measures in the Department of Higher Education’s Action Plan on Student Mental Health in Higher Education directly address organizing services in institutions by targeting:

  • Creating needs assessment and referral services (section 3.1).
  • Expanding and diversifying mental health services (section 4.1).
  • Creating service links between higher education institutions, the health and social services network and community organizations (section 4.2).


Flèche vers le bas

Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (2021) Plan d’action sur la santé mentale étudiante en enseignement supérieur 2021-2026

Association canadienne des services aux étudiants collégiaux et universitaires (ACSUSS) The Post-Secondary Student Mental Health: Guide to a Systemic Approach

Paige, D. et al (2019) Why Is It So Hard to Get Help? Barriers to Help-Seeking in Postsecondary Students Struggling with Mental Health Issues: a Scoping Review

ECOBES (2021) Portrait de l’intervention psychosociale dans le réseau collégial québécois

Fédération des associations étudiantes du campus de l’Université de Montréal (2017) Enquête sur l’utilisation étudiante des services de santé psychologique à l’Université de Montréal

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