Several tools are available to document the state of mental health in the student population nationwide.
Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey
This is a survey specially designed to assess health and well-being on Canadian campuses, identify priorities for intervention and align policies and actions. Two versions of the survey are available: one dedicated to the student population, the other to staff members. Each survey takes an estimated 20 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is available in English and French.
⏱️ 30 minutes
This survey was presented as part of the Journées annuelles de transfert de connaissances sur la santé mentale étudiante, organized by ISMÉ in March 2024.
National college health assessment
This questionnaire is made available to U.S. higher education institutions in order to gain access to data on the overall health of the student population, and to improve health promotion and prevention services on campus. The themes documented are substance use, sexual health, lifestyle habits, mental health, safety and living conditions.
College Student Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire
This questionnaire is a 16-item self-report scale for assessing subjective well-being in the college student population. It is intended for use in mental health research and practice for assessment purposes to support screening, outcome measurement and progress monitoring.
THE Healthy Minds Study
This is an online survey of U.S. and international college and university students focusing specifically on mental health. The results provide an overview of knowledge and attitudes concerning mental health and service use. The aim is for the data from this survey to be widely used to inform policy and practice in post-secondary institutions.
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